Maximize Your Digital Marketing Insights with a Google Analytics Consultant

Tap into the power of Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

Are you getting the most out of your website? Feeling lost in a sea of Google Analytics data?

I get it. Understanding website traffic and user behavior can be a complex challenge. That's where I come in. I’m a Minneapolis-based Google Analytics consultants passionate about helping businesses unlock the power of their data and transform it into actionable insights.

From data confusion to digital marketing clarity

Let's face it, wading through raw GA4 data can be intimidating. But what if you could:

  • Know exactly who your audience is and tailor your digital marketing efforts for maximum impact?

  • Identify what content resonates and optimize your website to drive conversions?

  • Pinpoint areas for improvement and maximize your return on investment (ROI)?

With my Google Analytics 4 expertise, I can help your business achieve exactly that.

Google Analytics 4 Consulting FAQs

  • Why choose me as your GA4 Consultant?

    Making the switch from Universal Analytics to GA4 can be daunting. My GA4 consulting services ensure a smooth transition and provide valuable insights to optimize your data collection.

    Here's what I offer:

    Tracking Verification: I meticulously examine your GA4 implementation, verifying the accuracy of your tracking code and data flow.

    Data Quality Assessment: I analyze your data for inconsistencies, missing information, or errors that could skew your reports.

    Event Tracking Evaluation: I assess your current event tracking setup, identifying any gaps and ensuring you capture all relevant user interactions.

    Key Event Review: I evaluate your conversion tracking configuration, ensuring it aligns with your marketing goals.

    Data Retention Optimization: I review your data retention settings to ensure compliance with regulations while maximizing the historical data available for analysis.

  • What are the benefits of using GA4?

    Gain Clear Visibility: My consulting services help clarify your current data landscape, allowing you to make informed decisions about your digital marketing strategy.

    Improved Data Accuracy: Clean and accurate data is essential for meaningful insights. My services help ensure you're working with reliable information.

    Enhanced User Understanding: Gain a deeper understanding of your audience behavior across devices and platforms, allowing for more targeted marketing campaigns.

    Optimize Marketing ROI: By identifying areas for improvement in your data collection, you can maximize the return on your digital marketing investments.

    Future-Proof Your Analytics: Stay ahead of the curve with a GA4 setup that aligns with the latest web analytics standards.

  • What GA4 consulting services do you offer, exactly?

    Don't have a GA4 property set up yet? No problem! I offer comprehensive GA4 setup services to get you started on the right foot.

    My services include:

    Property and Data Stream Creation: I will guide you through setting up your GA4 property and configuring data streams for your website and app.

    Event Tracking Implementation: I will work with you to identify key user interactions and implement event tracking to capture valuable data points.

    Key Event Configuration: I will help you define your marketing goals and set up key even tracking to measure campaign effectiveness.

    Data Enhancement with Google Signals: (with user consent) I will help you integrate Google Signals to gain valuable demographic and cross-device insights.

    Custom Reports and Dashboards: I can create customized reports and dashboards tailored to your specific marketing needs.

Ready to take your Google Analytics data to the next level?

Don't let valuable website data go untapped. Contact me today for a free Strategy Session and see how I can help your business make use of GA4.